Library Curriculum

The school library maintains a collection of books, periodicals, and audio-visual material for individual and classroom use. While the primary purpose of the school library is to provide resources to support the curriculum, materials are selected, not only to enhance the instructional units but also to encourage free reading for information and enjoyment.

The purpose of the library program is:

  1. To assist in the development of research skills.
  2. To promote the use and understanding of new technology.
  3. To encourage children in their love of all types of literature.
  4. To integrate the library program and resources with the curriculum of each grade level.

The library research skills at each grade level are a continuum of learning, which includes locating, selecting, interpreting, and using information from library and media sources.

Grade 3 The primary focus of the third-grade curriculum in the library is to understand the organization and location of print and non-print materials. The use of call numbers, parts of a book, and use of encyclopedias and reference books are also covered.

Grade 4 The fourth-grade students will continue to access and use information from reference books and materials, building and reinforcing previous skills. The classification system of library materials is emphasized. Students will be using the on-line card catalog in locating materials by title, author, subject, or keyword. Students will begin to use atlases and almanacs on a more regular basis.

Grade 5 The fifth-grade classes will continue using the Internet for current event topics and for research. Information skills are reinforced throughout the year. Students will perfect research skills using atlases, almanacs, and specialized reference books for reports and information.