Social Studies Curriculum

Grade 3: “People of the United States”

The Social Studies program at grade three introduces students to the cultural heritage of the American people, by focusing on the ethnic groups, which have settled in the United States. Careful attention is paid to the diverse groups who have contributed elements of their culture to what is considered American culture. The course focuses on Native Americans, African Americans, European Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. The specific units are Native American, European Immigrants, Black American, and Modern Immigrants.

Grade 4: “New Hampshire History and Regions of the United States”

In Social Studies, the fourth-grade students learn the geographic, economic, governmental, and historical importance of their state. They will also become familiar with the unique geographic features that characterize each region of the United States. They will select one state to research in-depth. The specific units are New Hampshire History, Regions of the United States, and State Reports.

Grade 5: “American Heritage”

The fifth grade Social Studies curriculum is a chronological study of American History from the Age of European exploration to the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the formation of a government. The curriculum combines history, geography, government, and economics to promote students’ knowledge and understanding of early America.